
August 21, 2010

Ms. Crafter Disaster

In an attempt to channel my inner Martha Stewart I have treated myself to a brand spanking new sewing machine - behold the Bernina 380. When replacing my old machine what I was actually looking for was a machine that would buy my fabric for me, sew it together and wrap it up all pretty without requiring me to actually do anything.   You see, despite my attempts to piece together craft projects, I really am an impatient person and normally end up yelling obscenities at my machine in frustration. 

Luckily for me, I was able to meet up this weekend with my lovely (and very patient) friend, Alexia, who is helping me put together a simple dress.  This will be the second time I've attempted to sew a real piece of clothing (the first attempt remains unfinished in the back of my closet).  So I've included a little sneak peek here and will post my progress in the coming weeks. Here's to happy sewing ahead...


Michelle said...

Oh, nice one. I've got a Bernina too, love it!

Maria said...

Hi Jaclyn
Any tips on sewing and what type/brand of sewing machine to buy? I'm learning how to sew, booked myself into a course in October and have no idea what I'm doing!!

I stumbled upon your blog, and I'm glad I did! I have also started a new blog :)

Kristi said...

so jealous.

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