November 30, 2010
Market Basket...
November 28, 2010
Let The Silly Season Begin...
It seems that once Thanksgiving arrives, the time until Christmas is one big blur. This weekend kicked off what is going to be a hectic start to the holiday season and I love all the planning, cooking, Christmas shopping and celebrating that is to come.
On Friday I was able to meet up with some girls visiting from America and it was so fun to have dinner and see Australia through their eyes. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to live here so it was great to be able share with them a little bit of my new home. On Saturday the sun was shining and we got a few friends together for a Thanksgiving themed BBQ. Unfortunately these are the only photos I managed to take - it's hard to balance a camera when you've got a glass of champagne in one hand and a turkey drumstick in the other...needless to say the afternoon was blast!
November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving...
You can take the girl out of America but you can't take America out of the girl...
I love Thanksgiving and refuse to let the holiday pass unnoticed even if it's not celebrated here in Australia. Last year I baked pumpkin pie and introduced my colleagues to the wonder of Thanksgiving. This year after a long day at work I didn't have the time to cook a full turkey so a store bought chicken will have to do. We all know the side dishes are always the best part anyway so I'm making stuffing from scratch, peeling potatoes and putting the final touches on the green beans.
November 23, 2010
Tent City...
...perfect weather, swims in the ocean, the smell of bacon and eggs in the morning, trips to the local market and time to kick back, catch up on some reading and enjoy each other's company. Our camping trip was an amazing little getaway making today at work a rough adjustment back to reality...
November 19, 2010
Summer Camp...
After a week of crazy deadlines, J and I are ready for some relaxation and plan to head south for a little camping trip. J has also completed his degree so we plan to kick back and celebrate his accomplishment. I'm looking forward to lazy afternoons, flipping through a magazine or two and hopefully good weather - we'll see. Back on Monday, wishing everyone a wonderful weekend...
November 17, 2010
If You Don't Know, Now You Know...
Imagine my surprise when I was reading through a few comments the other day only to see that the lovely Kellie from Dear Olive had awarded me my very first blog award! I'm still surprised that people actually read my blog and put up with my horrible grammar, let alone send me awards, so I was really blown away at Kellie's gesture. Well friends, today I am the happy recipient of the Versatile Blogger Award which means I'm going to share 7 things about myself and then pass the award along to 7 other blogs I've started following recently. Without further delay and in no particular order, here goes:
- I'm afraid of the dark. Yup, I admit it.
- My two favorite words in the whole world are elixir and regime. I know this is completely random but i love the way they sound.
- When I was young I used to want to be a broadcast journalist, this is ironic only because as an adult I have an insane fear of public speaking.
- Much to my embarrassment I turn red at the blink of an eye, for no particular rhyme or reason. And yes I absolutely hate it when people point out the fact that 'oh my god your turning so red'.
- I am completely obsessed with my sister's dog, Marley, and have only found the strength to refrain from blogging about him for fear that I'll come across as that scary pet obsessed woman.
- When we were little, my sisters and I used to make up our own language when we'd go into stores, somehow thinking that people would be impressed that we knew another language.
- Goonies is my favorite movie. Yes, it's not very thought provoking or ground breaking but give me a rainy Saturday, a little Cyndi Lauper and 2 hours to watch this movie and I'm in heaven.
I'm passing this award along to:
November 16, 2010
Oh...To Be 25 Again
I decided to treat myself to a manicure and pedicure last week. My feet needed some desperate attention before I could bare them to the world and thought I'd get the nails to match - how fancy of me. I don't normally get manicures because I seem to be the kind of person that walks out of the nail salon and immediately smudges the polish. This happens without fail and sometimes while I'm still in the shop which then requires me to sheepishly ask the woman to touch up my newly painted nails.
November 15, 2010
Splish Splash...
November 13, 2010
Thinking Outside The Square...
For the past two days the sun has been shining and I've been working at the Magnolia Square markets, loving every minute of it. Despite the fact I've been on my feet and missing out on some damn good beach weather, I've left each day filled with inspiration. I've seen some amazing products, met some really great people and have had a blast getting to know all the girls at Magnolia.
November 12, 2010
Three Sisters...
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - capturing a moment. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by SouleMama
Today I am thankful for my sisters.
November 10, 2010
Magnolia Square...
During the past few weeks I've been thinking of change. I tend to wait for change to happen, for opportunities to come my way instead of going after what I want. I suppose it's easier that way but recently I've been motivated to do things differently, to put myself out there and see what might happen...
So if you're in Sydney and haven't yet been to a Magnolia Square market then come on down and check it out this weekend- you won't be disappointed...
November 9, 2010
Sunday By the Sea...
Sunday was pure perfection. The sun was out, we took our friend Julie on an amazing (yet crowded) trip to Bondi to check out the Sculptures by The Sea exhibit. The day ended with some drinks and a bbq - hello summer.
November 8, 2010
Vincent Vega...
What do John Travolta, shots of tequila and a fake mustache all have in common? Well not much but they all played a role in what turned out to be one hell of a Saturday...
November 4, 2010
Under Pressure...
My new commute involves lots of time standing on buses. It's not so bad unless its raining, which it has been here for what seems like forever. During these bus trips I can't help but dream of palm trees and sunny days. I've really struggled this week with finding the time (and motivation) to keep up with my regular blog posts. I could blame this on the longer commute but I can't quite get into my old groove and find that by the time I sit down to write about my day it's so late I just want to collapse on the couch. This busy schedule isn't a bad thing, in fact I like being busy and productive, but I also need to carve out some time to write about my daily happenings or just be able to ramble on in this little space.
November 2, 2010
Egg On The Table...
Today I felt like I was spinning.
I could easily blame this on the champagne I consumed during the Melbourne Cup race but this form of spinning is something different. It signals that things are happening, ideas are bouncing around, creativity is back and good things are in the pipeline...
I could easily blame this on the champagne I consumed during the Melbourne Cup race but this form of spinning is something different. It signals that things are happening, ideas are bouncing around, creativity is back and good things are in the pipeline...
When I was young, my two sisters and I used to play a game in our backyard. We called it Egg on the Table. Where this game originated from or why we played it, is unknown to us (my parents I'm sure didn't care why we played it as long as it kept us out of the house). The game was always played in our back yard, in the summer - always the summer. To play you simply look up toward the sky, tilt your head back, put your arms out wide and start spinning. We would spin in circles all over the backyard, big dizzy circles until one of us fell over - the egg fell off the table.
Did this game have a purpose? No. Was is strange? Of course, but that was half the fun and for some reason I thought of that game today. I don't really remember much more about 'Egg on the Table' except that we'd all collapse in dizzy laughter on the grass until the spins passed. Since that time I've had my fair share of 'the spins' -for completely different reasons - but I still remember those moments every time summer rolls around. Today, as my head was spinning with ideas and plans for the future I couldn't help but think of this game, tilt my head towards the sky and smile...
November 1, 2010
Missing In Action...
I've been missing in action the past few days but with good reason. I'm happy to say our move is complete, the boxes have been unpacked and we're feeling settled. On the other hand, our experience with the real estate agent has been none too pleasant but I'll save you my whinging...
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