As I type this post I'm sitting on the living room floor, surrounded by glue sticks, markers, scissors and scraps of paper. The scene is reminiscent of a kindergarten class but in fact I'm doing my homework (not quite the master thesis you might have imagined). You see my online course is ending this week and I'm scrambling to complete my 'mood board' assignment. What is a mood board you ask? I like to think of it as a grown-up version of 'show & tell'. It's an opportunity to express my interests and let's be honest - who doesn't jump at the chance to use a glue stick?
September 29, 2010
In the Mood...
September 28, 2010
Bali Bound...
I'm obsessed with Christmas. Yes, I happily admit I'm one of those people. I love to listen to Christmas carols year round (much to the dismay of everyone around me), I love to plan elaborate dinners, shop for gifts and most importantly - spend the festive season in a cold climate. Something about bundling up by the fire feels so much more like Christmas than standing around a BBQ in shorts and a t-shirt.
September 27, 2010
Manic Monday...
After such a relaxing weekend I found it hard to get back into the swing of things this morning. Even with the long weekend around the corner I struggled to maintain some focus to get through the workday. We just found out our friends are going to have another little bubba (congrats Kristin & Tom!) so I made mental lists of craft projects I'd like to make, during meetings I'd day dream about our upcoming trip to Bali (more on that later) and despite having a million cups of coffee, I just couldn't shake my case of the Monday's. I decided to take a little stroll after work to clear my head and since J is working late I did what any girl would do to lift her spirits - I broke out the red nail polish. Yes, I painted the town (well, actually just my toes) raven red and immediately felt better. I might have to be stuck in manic meetings during the day, but in my mind, my red toes and I are sitting on the beach somewhere sipping pina coladas...
September 26, 2010
Sunday Happy Sunday...
September 24, 2010
Let The Sun Shine...
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - capturing a moment. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by SouleMama
September 23, 2010
Just Do It...
"A little less conversation, a little more action," is how the old Elvis lyric goes and it couldn't better describe my current state of mind. I like to talk - a lot. Unfortunately many of the topics I talk about (I want to learn French, I want to go to yoga, I'd like to enroll in graduate school, I'd like to spend less time on the couch, etc) are just that - talk. It's the execution part I seem to have trouble with. So when I saw that the International School of Colour & Design (ISCD) was hosting a design seminar and that Shannon Fricke was one of the speakers, I finally kicked into action and signed up. Last year I had the pleasure of coordinating a story with Shannon and although we never got to meet face to face she was one of the most professional and considerate people I've ever worked with. So last night I met up with my lovely friend Jace and we had a night filled with design inspiration from a variety of interesting speakers. It was just what I needed to stop talking about doing things and follow the old Nike saying of "just do it..."
September 21, 2010
You've Got Mail...
I was in the post office today shipping off a little package to a fellow blogger when I started to think about how much fun this whole blogging experience has been and why I started it in the first place. I'm amazed at how quickly you can connect with complete strangers living thousands of miles away. One sassy gal in particular has become a new friend and I find myself commenting on her blog, as if we’ve known each other for ages. Nell is down to earth, entertaining and sincere. If you haven’t already done so check out her blog, On the First Day of Marriage. She is one cool chick and her wedding pics are drool worthy!
Looking back, one of the main reasons I began this blog was because of my family. When speaking to them they’d ask what I’d been up to and I found myself far too often answering with a generic ‘oh not much’. I found that small moments and memories just slipped away, never mentioned and soon forgotten. By putting these often mundane moments onto paper (or in my case a blog) I found that I was better able to share my life with those not here with me in Sydney. All the visits and comments that I’ve received over the past few months have meant so much to me and have given me a sense of community, especially here in Australia. So for those that have left comments or laughed along side me, thanks! I look forward to sharing many more mundane and embarrassing life experiences with you…
September 20, 2010
Pot of Gold...
I love my crock pot. There I've said it.
Ignore the daggy brown exterior (which I personally think creates a bit of 70's charm) and focus on the fact this little wonder creates meal time magic any day of the week. Where else can you throw in a bunch of food, leave it for hours at time and then return to find a beautiful home cooked meal? Well lately I've been seduced by the charms of the crock pot and find myself selling it's benefits to complete strangers. 'It can feed a family of 4 on pennies a day!' I said to the woman behind me at the check out counter. Embarrassing? Yes, but oh so true.
September 19, 2010
Riding the Wave...
This weekend was perfection. Reading books along the harbour, dinner with friends and even a nana nap or two. Since the sun was shining on Saturday we took full advantage of the good weather and began to clean out the apartment - we're moving in a few weeks but more on that later...
We treated ourselves to a lazy Sunday and since I lost the laptop war, we lounged in bed watching the live feed of the Hurley Pro surf competition. Growing up by the beach, my man is an avid surfer, something I still can't say about myself. I did, however, manage to have my own surf experience this weekend but it didn't involve getting on a board. Instead I managed to recreate that infamous scene from 'Something About Mary' when I stupidly decided to keep my fringe off my face by putting a big clump of surf hair wax all thought my hair.
September 17, 2010
Afternoon Delight...
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - capturing a moment. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by SouleMama
September 16, 2010
School Night
It's been a long week and since I'm taking tomorrow off, my freedom begins in a few hours!
This break couldn't have come at a better time because I've been struggling with motivation lately, that horrible stuck in a rut feeling that results in asking all sorts of questions. You know the kind - Do I really like my career? what drives me? where to live? - I'm all over the place. These questions are good. I guess. I just thought that once you pass 30 you automatically have a better understanding of your life and the direction you are headed - for me this couldn't be further from the truth. I consider myself so lucky to have found love and be surrounded by wonderful friends and family but in other areas of my life I'm just beginning to understand what inspires me.
This break couldn't have come at a better time because I've been struggling with motivation lately, that horrible stuck in a rut feeling that results in asking all sorts of questions. You know the kind - Do I really like my career? what drives me? where to live? - I'm all over the place. These questions are good. I guess. I just thought that once you pass 30 you automatically have a better understanding of your life and the direction you are headed - for me this couldn't be further from the truth. I consider myself so lucky to have found love and be surrounded by wonderful friends and family but in other areas of my life I'm just beginning to understand what inspires me.
I've been taking an online course with the lovely Holly from Decor8 and finally am beginning to feel inspired to step out of my comfort zone. Now, I understand I'm not embarking on some life saving peace corp mission but it's given me an outlet to try new things and get to meet some pretty nifty ladies along the way. So before my weekend officially begins, I'm sitting on the couch, cutting out clippings of magazines for this week's homework assignment - always the nerdy student.
September 14, 2010
Message In A Bottle...
It's hard to believe that 5 years ago this week I met J while backpacking through Europe. Between the two of us we have no idea the exact day we met, as time seems to stand still when you are on a crazy misadventure. Shortly after I moved to Australia I made this gift for him - a bottle filled with hundreds of memories, messages and dreams for our future. It took hours to fill out all the tiny bits of paper but as I sit through and re-read them today, I'm so grateful for that fateful encounter in Prague. I love you J. xx
September 13, 2010
Home Stretch...
After a long day I'm indulging in some devil's nectar and flipping through the pages of Frankie to ease my mind. This work event is nearing the end and I'm about to jump for joy. Well, that is, if I could actually jump - but my feet hurt too much. Instead I'll just do a little fist pump. Go me!
September 11, 2010
Best In Show...
well hello there, hope you are enjoying your Saturday! My final work event of the year (yeah!) is happening this weekend in the city, so for the next few days I’ll be camping out at the exhibition centre. It’s time to dust off the suit, break out the high heels, perfect my ‘professional voice’ and try to act like an adult. Luckily I work for a trade fair that specialises in gift and homewares products so when I’m not actually working, I spend most of my time ogling over newly launched products and dreaming up new ways to decorate our apartment. Unfortunately us mere mortals are not allowed to purchase during fair but considering the damage that could be done on my credit card, this is probably a good thing. I'm about to pour myself a glass of wine, put my feet up and rest before another long day tomorrow...
September 10, 2010
Urban Legend...
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - capturing a moment. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by SouleMama
*To the former Ms. Urban and her lovely husband - Happy Anniversary weekend. xo
*To the former Ms. Urban and her lovely husband - Happy Anniversary weekend. xo
September 8, 2010
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
The cheek kiss. A simple way to greet friends and family - or should I say simple to most - but not to me. For the three years since I've moved to Australia, the cheek kiss has plagued every social encounter I've had. I just can't seem to get it right and end up over thinking the situation and embarrassing myself without fail. I mean won't a hug suffice? Too much can (and has) gone wrong with the cheek kiss.
For starters the protocol is unclear - do you go in for just the cheek kiss or the hug as well? If I go in for just a kiss and then pull away, the other person tends to go for the hug and an awkward,'crump' dance routine seems to follow. I've also had the pleasure of misjudging the velocity of my cheek kiss and have nuzzled necks, kissed lips, broke sunglasses and practically head butted elderly relatives. Don't even get me started about meeting and greeting large groups of people, as a few glasses of wine are needed just to ease my nerves about how the initial introductions will do down. Perhaps over time this social disorder will fade but until that happens I can't help but ask -what ever happened to a good old firm handshake?
September 7, 2010
The Wheels on The Bus...
This morning, as I sat waiting for the bus, I seriously contemplated skipping work altogether. It was that nice of a morning and it just seemed like such a shame to waste away those hours inside a cubicle. Unfortunately guilt got the better of me and off to work I went. For my morning commute, I take full advantage of every form of public transportation offered to me – bus, train, ferry, you name it. Although some days this commute is a hellish nightmare, I do have to say that Sydney offers a pretty good system of public transit. I mean it took me 5 years of living in LA before I realised they even had a subway system.
But what I really love about my commute is the people watching – I love to people watch. Take for example the woman that looks like Anna Wintour’s twin, complete with perfect bob and dark glasses she wears everyday, rain or shine.Then there are the people who talk loudly on their mobiles and I get to hear all the gossip going on in there lives, sometimes more than I ever wanted to know. I have also started reading to pass the time and currently have picked up Toby Young’s ‘How to Lose Friends and Alienate People’.It’s a great read, just be warned – you might become one of those crazy people on the bus that talks to themself and chuckles out loud -I know I certainly have...
September 6, 2010
Arms of Steel...
Let me tell you my thoughts on Gwyneth Paltrow. Although I find her slightly annoying at times, I'm pretty jealous that she always has that 'freshly scrubbed' look and gets to travel around with Mario Batali eating amazing food. It was probably for one of these reasons that about a year ago I signed up for her GOOP newsletter. I was reading one of her articles and it mentioned a workout created by her trainer that was guaranteed to get your arms in shape. With summer around the corner I thought what better time to break this baby out and see what it can do. To view the workout click here.
Personally I recommend you click this link now. Seriously. Drop everything and I promise you'll experience the most hilarious 5 minutes of your life. Now I'm not claiming to be a good dancer but prior to this video I thought I possessed some sort of rhythm. I pushed play and since there were no instruction I figured I'd just wing it and watch my arms be whittled into shape...
Well about 30 seconds into the video I looked as if i was in an epileptic fit instead of exercising "What is this woman doing and how is possible that she can move so quickly?" I thought to myself. My arms began to burn but so did my abs - from laughing. What made things even more amusing was that as I turned around, I saw J's head sticking through the door, a huge smile across his face. Apparently my embarrassing workout routine had an audience and let me tell you my arms might be a bit more toned but I won't be running off to join the Rockettes anytime soon....
September 5, 2010
Father Knows Best...
September 3, 2010
Thinking of Bleu...
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - capturing a moment. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by SouleMama
September 2, 2010
Crazy In Love...
Oh how fun the process of self discovery can be. Today I discovered, while walking home in the rain, that when Jaclyn (yes I'm referring to myself in third person) is tired, cranky and really hungry, she can be a not so pleasant person to be around. Well naturally something devastating must have happened to put me in this mood, something life changing or what actually occurred you may ask? Well brace yourself - I forgot to get tortillas at Coles.
Yup, I said it. During my walk in the rain I kept myself distracted with visions of a Mexican feast that I would prepare the second I got home. As I was salivating at thoughts of my homemade burrito I realised that I completely forgot to go to Coles in the first place! At this point I was just about home, far from the shops and since J was working late and had the car with him, I did the only thing I could think of - I called him and took out my tortilla anger (or hunger induced madness some would say) on him. Yeah I was pretty ridiculous and immediately felt guilty for unleashing on him. So to my always caring, always understanding and incredibly patient boyfriend J - I'm sorry. Thank you for loving me even when I'm standing in the rain, screaming about forgotten tortillas. xo
September 1, 2010
Whiter Shade of Pale..
Given that today is the first day of spring and was a warm day in Sydney, I decided to leave the tights at home and bare my legs to the world. What a horrible mistake that was. As I walked toward the bus I glanced down and almost fell over – my skin had moved past just being pale and was now entering translucent territory. "Has it really been that long since my legs have seen sun?" I thought. Since moving to Australia I have had a love/hate relationship with the sun – I love it but it doesn’t love me back.
Gone are the silly days of my youth when I’d seek a sun-kissed glow all summer. Now that I’ve surpassed my 30th birthday, the sun does nothing but produce lovely little brown patches on my skin and I’ve taken to applying self tanner in order to not look on the verge of death. I suppose it’s not a bad trade off considering the high level of skin cancer here, but I can’t help but feel bad for my poor boyfriend J, who happened to fall in love with the one girl that moves to Australia and runs for the shade. When most other beach goers are lounging in the sun and frolicking in the waves, I can usually be found wearing my nana hat and applying and then re-applying sunscreen. If he’s lucky, I might even break out my little Cancer Council sun tent (the horror!) and sit inside, reading books with just my toes sticking out. But as our impending move back to the beaches gets closer I’m afraid that even I won’t be able to resist an occasional dose of vitamin D...
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