
November 27, 2012

absolutely no regrets

I often find that life's greatest lessons are revealed only through our biggest mistakes.

That momentary feeling that you've blown it, the dreaded feeling of regret in the pit of your stomach, the over analysing, the trying to shake that horrid feeling that you've wasted an opportunity. Thankfully in most cases those moments are fleeting and when the sting of regret has washed away you're left with a feeling of clarity, a calm vision of a lesson learned and a hurdle overcome. The only thing to do next? Move forward.

I've learned a lot of lessons this year and made a lot of decisions, both good and bad. I've over analysed conversations, shed a few tears, laughed at myself and in the end have been surprised with just how much I have yet to learn about little old me.

Every year right around this time I begin to reflect back on the year that was. I look back at the moments I've been proud of and hope they out number the moments of regret (I loath regret) and luckily this year the good moments far out weigh the negative ones. The strange thing I've noticed (perhaps it just comes with age?) is the realisation that the moments of struggle have left me feeling stronger, better aware of my own strengths and of course my own weaknesses. Mistakes have been made, lessons have been learnt and a whole new side of myself revealed. Learning from our mistakes isn't an easy process but one worth the struggle.

Do you have regrets this year?

p.s  Yes, the title of this post was inspired by Madonna's lyrics in Human Nature. Embarrassing, but true.  No, these photos don't have any relation to one another but the guy lounging at the bar this weekend looked so relaxed I just had to snap a photo.


Sandra said...

I find that I mostly regret decisions NOT taken or things NOT tried, even if they don't work. That's the hardest for me as even though you can always make another decision, some doors DO end up closing.

This calendar year, though, has been quite remarkable in that I started blogging and it's opened so many doors to new friends and opportunities. Feeling VERY inspired right now. And lucky, touch wood.

Sandra said...

I find that I mostly regret decisions NOT taken or things NOT tried, even if they don't work. That's the hardest for me as even though you can always make another decision, some doors DO end up closing.

This calendar year, though, has been quite remarkable in that I started blogging and it's opened so many doors to new friends and opportunities. Feeling VERY inspired right now. And lucky, touch wood.

alice {sweet dreamer} said...

I just stumbled on your blog and love it! I'm like you in that I try not to have regrets, just lessons learnt - there's no point dwelling on things you can't change. x

Annabelle said...

I absolutely love that first picture! Succulents just seem to pull my heartstrings :)

I'm glad you've had a good year - I feel like I have as well and as far as regrets go, I (try to) think of myself as a culmination of all my decisions, both good and bad. Who knows, maybe my life would be a bit different if I took back a regret - and hey, I like where I am now so why risk it!

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