I have always been a flea market junkie. Give me a garage sale, estate sale or weekend market and I'm in heaven. Lucky for me, Sydney is full of markets and this weekend we kept it low key, packed boxes and were able to visit not one but two markets. On Saturday we met up with our friends Jack and Ness for some flea market fun. I somehow managed to escape with no damage to my wallet - a miracle of sorts but the lovely miss Ness scooped up a little green beach cruiser for a cool $15 while Jack stole the spotlight by grabbing a Tasmanian devil satin vest that was worn sans shirt to really capture that 80's prom look. We all agreed that it was too ugly to see more than 5 minutes of sunlight, which gave the opportunity for at least a couple snaps.
Sunday we took a stroll to our neighborhood market before returning to continue our packing spree. Much to my horror while cleaning the kitchen I came face to face with my first huntsman spider. I swear it was the size of my hand and I did what any rational person would do in this situation - I screamed at the top of my lungs, sprinted out of the kitchen and refused to go back until J had removed the beast from the house. It seems I'm not as adjusted to Australian wildlife as I thought...
I love that bike - love it!! How cool is it and how many fun adventures are there to be had on that!!
Oh and as for the spider - sadly you never get used to them. They are always just, well, creepy!
I totally sympathise with your reaction to good old aussie wildlife - I once had a small frog leap out of a bunch of spinach, that had been in the fridge for three days!I think I'm still recovering from that one...)
Man that bike is cool...what a find! Obviously not as impressive as the vest, but still! The pastries look so yummy and as for the spider...sounds completely terrifying! You dealt with it in the exact way I would. In fact the way I did, when a grasshopper made it's way into our bathroom and almost jumped on my head as I cleaned my teeth the other day. Eeek!
Hope you've made a dent in the packing now lovely xxx
I love going to markets and seeing what random and wonderful things are there! And those croissants look delicious! Lovely photos.
Erk - Australian wildlife! I can't even handle the wee' spiders in New Zealand let alone something the size of your hand!!
I haven't been to markets in awhile - your trip looks fun. Yummy pastries! x
Now this is what I miss about Australia!! You guys have the BEST MARKETS!!! While I was in Glebe I looked forward to going to the markets. I loved every minute of my stay in Sydney. Hugs to you! xo
he, he, sorry but I still scream on occasion about spiders!
Ahhh huntsmans. They are copmpletely terrifying. And im an aussie country lass. We occasionally get them hanging in our living room. Atleast it cant kill you, unlike some of the smaller ones we have. And also. That bike for 15 bucks? Freakin bargain!
Huntsmans...*sigh* they do get big don't they. I should be used to them, but still give me the heeby-jeebys...they run fast too.
Love markets!
Got to love those huntsmans! We have had a few lately as well and they frighten the **** out of me! Aint nobody who can convince me they are harmless! Looks like we were in similar parts of town on sunday!! Hope you had fun. Leanne xx
Oh do not worry. I've lived here my whole life and am yet to come face to face with one of those nasty creatures. If I did, hysteria would ensue!
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