
July 11, 2011

the weekend

Another random collection of images from our weekend. Despite the sunshine, something about this cold weather has put me into full hibernation mode where I all I want to do is turn the heat on, curl under the blanket and watch a movie.  I managed to make it into the city for a birthday lunch and yes finally got to wear my dress which I am happy to say is complete and not too shabby if I do say so myself.  One cocktail turned into two and so was a blast but made for a very unproductive Sunday which I was perfectly okay with.  J and I nursed our hangovers with chicken burgers and hours of lounging and movie watching.  Sometimes lazy isn't a bad thing...


Ellie said...

Sometimes lazy is perfectly fine! Sounds like a lovely weekend. x

Melanie said...

The dress came out great! Send us a photo of you wearing it. I'd love to see it.

another feather said...

The blue and white striped yarn is so beautiful! Is it a t-shirt cotton? I've never seen anything like it!

Lorraine said...

Ditto on Melanie's comment. We want you modeling the dress!!
I love the gray and white yarn!

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