Maybe its being in the right place at the right time or just reaching out at the perfect moment but meeting Lizzie Hewson, my most recent Kinfolk co-host and partner in crime, was one of those serendipitous moments. We just clicked and the end result of our strange yet cosmic encounter was an amazing Kinfolk dinner that came together through the teamwork of some beautiful strangers I now consider friends.
The theme was Butcher Block and Lizzie and set to work bringing the Kinfolk vision to life with the help of the insanely talented Georgie & Jess from Wildes Lane, the perfect venue provided to us by Deb Morgan from Create or Die and the help of some partners equally committed to making our vision a reality: Salt Meats Cheese, Sonoma Bakery, Two Italian Boys, Gallivant Catering, Palm Beach Collection, Ask The Butcher, Extra Mile Pictures and the lovely Emma Scamell who's images above so perfectly captured a chaotic yet adrenaline fueled set-up in the pouring rain. To me the opportunity to reach out and meet new people, hear new ideas and discover a new side of myself is one I wouldn't trade for the world. It involved late nights and countless emails but seeing it all come together was a truly pivotal moment. The end result? Far too much food and way too much fun - the perfect combination.
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