
October 26, 2011

a bit camp

You either love camping or you hate it.  The dirt, the tent, the random people, the early mornings, the smell of the ocean, sitting by the fire, the stars, the silence, the solitude - everything about it appeals to me. I love the fact I can go swimming and count that as my shower for the day and not have to worry about a hair dryer even though my hair looks crazy and I love waking up ridiculously early because well, what else are you supposed to do when the sun is shining directly into your tent and the kids in the next campsite are up and running around?  

The only exception to this is perhaps camping in the rain, which admittedly is a miserable experience but luckily for us the weather this weekend was perfect - warm during the day and cool at night.  It was a last minute camping trip down the coast and from the moment I collapsed into my collapsible camping chair I was in heaven.  I wore my daggy fleece jacket that still smells of mosquito coils, swapped contact lenses for glasses, drank instant coffee, slept on an inflatable mattress that deflated during the night and discovered the largest sting ray I've ever set eyes on.  How could anyone not enjoy that?


Sammie said...

Not my thing, but whatever works for you and makes you happy!
Sounds like camping is exactly that for you!

lisa mae said...

i love love love camping, we are off today actully to lakes entrance for 4 nights........i love everything about it, we are tenting it to.....we are hunting for an old skool caravan at the moment for camping/spare room/shop.........i'll post some photos of our weekend when i get back......
totally love the way you described it.....heaven for me too, so relaxing smooch lisa xx

Angela said...

Sounds like bliss... your post made me want to load up the boot and set off asap! Great photos.

Where My Heart Is said...

I love camping - the smell of camp fire in your hair, the daggy clothes and unkept hair, making dirt your friend. We travel extensively overseas yet our annual camping trip is still the highlight.

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