
August 26, 2010

The Book on the Shelf

Today was one of those days.   From things on my mind, to issues at work I just had a crappy day all around.  Sometimes those days are needed to make you appreciate the really, really good ones.  I'm sitting here now, listening to She&Him, and the pity party is over, the issues will all work out, as they always do.  There is a book on my shelf, given to me by my aunt years ago, and although the cover is worn and the pages torn, it remains a favorite.  Such a simple concept, just a list of 14,000 things to make you happy - how brilliant is that?  So regardless of what happened during your day, all you have to do is flip through the pages and you'll find a little reminder that happiness comes in all forms...


Anonymous said...

Ah, how relevent that I read this post today! Yesterday afternoon I was listening to an interview with John Mellencamp in which he said that his father always asks him "what did you do fun today?" (or something like that). That got me thinking that we really *should* do something fun/nice for ourselves every single day because life is too short not to enjoy it. This is now my mission :)

Gemma said...

What a perfect book.
There must be something in the air, this post is what I needed to read today too.

kate said...

that's a lovely book. i'd like it actually. might have to go searching

Discovery Street said...

it's so true...i woke up in a bad mood + PMS...thanks for the reminder!

becca said...

Aw. I want that book!

melski said...

ah, she & him :) great stuff, i'm addicted to volume 2 at the moment. Hope today is a brighter one!

Nell said...

That's a lovely book - a reminder that there's always something to be happy about, no matter what rubbish things happen throughout the day! I have a three day weekend ahead of me, so i'm very, very happy today!! xx

Rachael @Mogantosh said...

Hello, just spent a lovely ten minutes reading back through your blog...I like your style! ...and your cushions...and the sound of your pizza...and I have that 1984 mug, but with two small people, not that Sunday morning, alas.

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