
September 27, 2010

Manic Monday...

After such a relaxing weekend I found it hard to get back into the swing of things this morning. Even with the long weekend around the corner I struggled to maintain some focus to get through the workday. We just found out our friends are going to have another little bubba (congrats Kristin & Tom!) so I made mental lists of craft projects I'd like to make, during meetings I'd day dream about our upcoming trip to Bali (more on that later) and despite having a million cups of coffee, I just couldn't shake my case of the Monday's.  I decided to take a little stroll after work to clear my head and since J is working late I did what any girl would do to lift her spirits - I broke out the red nail polish. Yes, I painted the town (well, actually just my toes) raven red and immediately felt better. I might have to be stuck in manic meetings during the day, but in my mind, my red toes and I are sitting on the beach somewhere sipping pina coladas...


Kristi said...

i already can't wait to see your bali photos. i am dying to go.

Sarah said...

i have been hearing some amazing little things about Bali of late...

Anastasia said...

Mondays are hard!! especially the always feeling down in the dumps Sunday night...haha

Nell said...

BALI! You jammy jammy lady. I want to know more!! Mondays are way tough man, I know what you mean. But a lick of red paint can always cheer you up! xx


Isn't it so funny how a little color can turn your day around? :) Congrats to your friends! xoxo

Lizeylou said...

You made me smile with this post - thank you!!!

Congrats to your friends on their new bubba , just yesterday I held a 5 day old baby and it nearly made me want one more (but that would mean 4 kids and I am not sure I am up for the challenge!)

And red nails ... FUN!!!

Pina Colades .... Heaven!!

Kristin said...

Bali? Wow! That's amazing. I've always wanted to go there!

It's so great to take the time to sit and carefully do your toes, clean up the smudges, let them dry, etc. etc. It really feels like "me" time when I do have the time!

Georgia said...

Ah...lovely nails, travel plans and thoughts of pina coladas - a truly winning combo for dealing with the Mondays! You've got a lovely blog there! Thanks for stopping by mine :) G

Maria said...

It's funny how the simple things can cheer us up :)

Caroline said...

Ha I just painted my nails a dark plum and the slight change made me so happy!! I am really enjoying this blog of yours!! XO

Marian Hazel said...

Mondays are terrible, I get to the end of the day and I'm so tired. I keep falling asleep on the couch in front of tv. Rob tells me how delightful it is to listen to my light snoring!

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