
March 21, 2014

the story of us

The thing I love about this blog is that when I actually drag myself to the keyboard and begin to type the memories begin pouring out. The photos tell the story and they hold the moments close so that months from now I can look back and remember that beginning of 2014 was of course busy, but also pretty wonderful.

I have been trying to Facetime with nieces each weekend because only through their faces do I notice how quickly time passes.  Time has been a strange concept lately and has never moved faster. I've been trying to find a balance, mostly unsuccessfully, and find that the days and nights are blurs of activity and rushing around.  It's only when I talk to them each week do I feel the need to slow down and embrace the smaller moments - like hearing them laugh, play the guitar or roll over for the first time. 

I've also been trying to pick up the camera more, something that lately hasn't intrigued me but it is the only way that I can remember what the hell we've been up to right? So here is yet another random collection that when pieced together tells the story of us, well at least our story one random week in March. It involves time in the photography studio to check out some behind the scenes food styling, a Bloom Series class, couch time reading and an impromptu trip to Manly.  That's us, in photos, for now.

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